Please join us for the January 21st, 2025 meeting of the Fort Myers Republican Women’s Club at our new location, Pelican Preserve Country Club, 9802 Pelican Preserve Blvd, Fort Myers. This meeting will bring to you Clerk of Court and Comptroller for Lee County, Kevin Karnes. Let’s hear what is in the works for better handling within your government. Beginning with our social and connection hour at 11:15 a.m., the meeting and lunch will start at 12:00 noon and our program shortly afterwards. And don’t forget the new luncheon cost of $30. Check or cash please no CC.
There will also be the installation of Officers for 2025. President, Sally Jackson, 1st VP Erin Casey, 2nd VP Lauri Albion, Recording Secretary, Diane Kinser, Corresponding Secretary, Maryanne Preston, Treasurer, Madonna Williams, Assistant Treasurer, Judy Persons. Please contact me for your reservation no later than Friday, January 17th. A reminder, after that you will be responsible for the cost of your reservation if you are unable to attend.
Your 2025 dues are now due. Please take this opportunity to renew your membership. It is still just $25…. $15 for associate. You can renew at check-in or mail to me, Diane Kinser, Pelican Preserve Country Club, 9802 Pelican Preserve Blvd, Fort Myers. A membership form is available for you to include any changes with your payment.
……..Visit our website…………….. Make your $25 to FMRWC…. checks or cash, no credit cards
Diane Kinser, Recording Secretary/Membership/Reservations Text/Mobile (630) 327-3546