Tuesday, September 17, 2024….. Plan to attend the September meeting of the Fort Myers Republican Women’s Club at the Landings Yacht, Golf and Tennis Club. This meeting will bring to you Michael Nachef, Vice President of Government Relations for Lee Health. Plan on hearing a lively discussion on Public vs Private. Beginning with our social and connection hour at 11:15 a.m., the meeting and lunch will start at 12:00 noon and our program shortly afterwards. Please contact me for your reservation no later than Friday, September 13th. A reminder, after that you will be responsible for the cost of your reservation if you are unable to attend. You can also do a candidate donation in place of your lunch cost or more. Forms will be at check-in. Checks only please.
Make your lunch payment for $20 to FMRWC…. checks or cash, no credit cards
Watch for the acknowledgment of your reservation. If you do not receive one reach out to be sure you are on the list. Even though we will not turn you away we do want to be sure there is a space for you. PLEASE MAKE A RESERVATION.
Diane Kinser, Recording Secretary/Membership/Reservations
Social.lady@Yahoo.com Text/Mobile (630) 327-3546